There are a number of factors that are considered when you try to answer the question of how long does alcohol detox take. How long the individual has been drinking, how much alcohol is consumed and if detox has been attempted in the recent past. A successful alcohol detox can take less than a week, and you can either move on to a short-term rehab program or return home with services in place.
For those struggling with an addiction to alcohol, the only safe place to go through withdrawal is in a licensed detox program. While some people try to detox at home, this results in a high rate of relapse because of the withdrawal symptoms.
How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?
The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol detox usually peak at around 72 hours after your last drink.
As you wonder how long does alcohol detox take, the answer is different for everyone. While peak symptoms are three days after your last drink, you can experience moderate withdrawal symptoms for nearly a month. The length of your stay in a detox program will depend on the severity of your symptoms. Once you enter an alcohol detox program in Florida, you can expect to be there anywhere from a few days to about ten days in general.
Withdrawal Symptoms From Alcohol Detox
You might have tried to quit drinking at home alone. This generally results in a relapse, as having a drink will stop the withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms can start out as mild anxiety or shaking, but can become dangerous within a few hours. An alcohol detox center in San Antonio, TX provides round the clock treatment for alcohol withdrawal symptoms including:
- Anxiety and agitation
- Sweating and a rapid heart rate
- Tremors that can lead to seizures
- Nausea or stomach pain
- Irritability or depression
You might feel as if you have the flu, or that you can’t control the tremors and nausea. Alcohol is a nervous system depressant, and withdrawal causes your nervous system to overreact. In a medical detox program for alcohol use disorder, you get the supervision you need to detox safely. With the help of a counselor and support staff, you are monitored throughout your detox period and given the support you need to overcome your addiction.
How Do I Know I Need Alcohol Detox?
If you are wondering how long does alcohol detox take, you are probably thinking that you might have an alcohol use disorder. It isn’t easy to admit that you need an alcohol detox program to stop drinking, but most people who want to quit drinking need help to do so. Alcohol addiction is prevalent, yet many people are slow to get help because they don’t want to admit they have a problem. If you aren’t sure you need detox, ask yourself the following:
- Does my partner fight with me over my alcohol use?
- Have I made bad decisions because of my drinking?
- Do I promise to quit but continue drinking anyway?
- Have I driven while intoxicated?
- Do I miss work because of my alcohol consumption?
An alcohol detox program and treatment for addiction is for those who are ready to admit they have a problem and are ready to do something about it. When you are tired of living life under the veil of addiction, it’s time to make a change. Alcohol can ruin relationships, and it can make life difficult. When you are addicted to alcohol and you are ready to take your life back, an alcohol addiction treatment program can work for you. When you commit to your sobriety, you can heal from addiction and move on with your life.